Character Purity Ministries
Character Purity © 2010
P.O. Box 8125
Pelham, New York 10803

Yeshua will reap the harvest (Revelation 14:14-16)

Yeshua will reap the harvest (Revelation 14:14-16)
Purging unto Character Perfection

Friday, June 12, 2009

Modern Israel's Better Promises

by Dionne Sabbay Thompson August 22, 2008

This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more (Hebrews 10:16,17).

Christ is a our Great High Priest of the Heavenly Sanctuary, made of the Best Promise of God, The Father. The Sanctuary in Heaven is faultless similar to the better promises of Hebrews 8:6.

We as the children of God; standing upon our own promises, reflects an old covenant: thus it will not last. As ancient Israel mistakenly stood on Old covenants, we must learn from such an experience, firmly holding on to the better promises of God. We must rest on the promises in God, trusting in His Power and Word. Revelation 18:1-4, the Loud Cry of the third angel, is the power of God, given back to the people today, to enter into the Promises of God.

Let's look at Exodus 19:5,6 , where the promises were made. Similar to Hebrews 8:8, the Lord responded to Israel, making a new covenant with Modern/Spiritual Israel. We are to read the scriptures, applying them to Present Truth, recognizing that the Lord is speaking to us today. As Modern Israel, we as Overcomers can succeed through God's purpose and hope, knowing that we will be the Israel and Judah that will achieve God's New covenant. God will regard those that are in His New Covenant only, as we can not afford to make similar mistakes to the past. As modern Israel, the commandments must be written in our hearts and in our minds.

Exodus 19:4-8 examines ancient Israel, identifying the importance of obeying the Word of the Lord. Making promises generally relates to our conduct and heart condition. Jeremiah 7:22,23 exhibits how the Lord reminds Israel about their promises. Jeremiah 11:2-4 examines again a covenant, as the Lord expects us to obey His covenants, fulfilling the "if" under a condition of the heart. A promise relates to a condition, as the Lord asked that ancient Israel obey God's voice, allowing the Lord's promise fulfillment based on their initial part of the PROMISE. If we do not fulfill God's initial part of His Promise, then God can not follow through with His Covenant. A covenant, a heart-filled promise is essential in our relationship with the Lord. We must fulfill our part, in simple faith, recognizing that we can do nothing without God. Remembering that God's Word can do all things, we must obey the ten commandments with the faith of God (Isaiah 8:20, Revelation 14:12). Without the Power of God, we can not fulfill the law and the testimony, righteously by faith (Philippians 3:9). If we are unconverted, we will remain ignorant of God and His ways, failing to understand needed conduct.

As per Romans 8:7, the carnal mind is enmity against the law of God, therefore the enmity MUST GO. Similar to ancient Israel, as Modern Israel we must have a change of heart, a new mind. A new heart and new mind will produce spiritual freedom (Galatians 4:21-31). Hebrews 4 states that because of unbelief, the children of Israel could not enter into God's rest, thus failing to reach the promise land. When Moses said to turn back, ancient Israel did not take heed, as they were accustomed to being in bondage in Egypt, bringing the wrong mindset to the Work of God. In order to do God's work properly, we must have a NEW MIND SET, allowing God's power to do the work.

Ancient Israel walked in their own way, failing to follow the directives of God; as they sent spies into the promise land, manifesting a lack of faith in The Most High. More specifically, ten out of twelve tribes were fearing a giant in the land, thus rejecting God's Word about the promise land, flowing with milk and honey. Remembering that an Old and New Covenant can not dwell together, we must completely accept the way of The Spirit, rejecting the way of the flesh. The Old and New Covenant co-existing are as a result of a historical rejection of God's ways, allowing lukewarmness, Laodicea (Revelation 3:14,15). There was never any need for Abraham having more than one son, but for the fact of disobedience, Ishmael would not have emerged. The Old Covenant came into being because Israel doubted God's Word. Conversely when we doubt the Word of God, that is when the Old Covenant comes into play.

After reaching the New Covenant Experience, we find comfort in the Power and Will of God. God wants the Old Covenant behavior to cease so that God can complete His Work, hastening the conditional return of the Messiah, Christ Jesus (John 14:10). As children of God, we must put away our old ways and let God fulfill His promise. When we have a genuine New Covenant Experience, we allow God to fulfill His part of "better promises" for His chosen (Hebrews 6:6). When studying the Word of God we must use the biblical definition of a covenant. We must not use the worldly dictionaries to define God's Word, as we have a part to play in God's better promise and oath (Hebrews 6:16-18, Hebrews 8:6-8, Galatians 4:21-31). We must not grieve away the Holy Spirit, failing to accept God's promise to us, restating our promises repetitively in vain (Ephesians 4:30). Oh how the Lord longs for us to have the New Covenant Experience, as the 144,000, shining as a peculiar treasure unto God (Exodus 19:5,6; Jeremiah 11:2-4, Revelation 14:1-5). While on planet earth, Christ had a New Covenant Experience, as He genuinely allowed The Father to do the work (John 14:10).